looking to the future


Currently, the Mother Blessings home sits on just one acre. This was a temporary solution to a war crisis that was never meant to be permanent. The home was founded on farming, and Mother Blessing herself was at one point head of the women’s farming in West Africa. So, in 2017, we purchased a 5.6 acre piece of land right beside the home (pictured above) with the intention of relocating the ministry, starting a farm for self-sustainability, and having more space for a church and other programs. But the land was swamp land and needed to be developed…


Every rainy season (April - October) the swamp land we purchased floods. And when the swamp floods, so do all the houses around it. Our neighbors spend part of each year wading through water in their houses, and there’s no way to stop it.

Until now.

In 2020 we had raised enough funds to start development. The video above shows the process, a long, long trench redirecting the water. The work took months. The community cooked for the workers. Our older boys even camped on the machine at night to protect it. In late April, work had finally been completed just in time for rainy season. The rains fell. Hard. But the land never flooded, and our neighbors were able to enjoy their dry homes. Now, the community knows that we don’t just care about our kids, but we care about them as well. And finally, the land is ready for building projects. We can’t wait to see how God uses this land to care for the kids of Mother Blessings and the people of the Mt. Barclay community.